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PLEASE NOTE: We are closed from 23rd December – 5th January 2025. Online booking available.
At Waitakere Foot, our mission is to provide an affordable, friendly and professional podiatry service to the wider Auckland community. Our team is dedicated to ensuring patient’s individual needs are met, and pride ourselves on demonstrating a complete podiatry service, using advanced, specialised treatment options for people of all ages; from all walks of life.
Convenient locations in Henderson, Manukau, New Lynn & Te Atatu.
PH: 0800 333 233
A verruca, or plantar wart, is caused by a virus that gets into the skin either through a cut or abrasion and can enlarges, cause pain and develop callous. They are caused by the Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) and are seen more commonly in children. ... more
Are you tired of your toenails digging into your skin and causing painful infections? An ingrown toenail is a common cause of pain or discomfort on the foot and Podiatrists are specialised medical professionals who are able to offer multiple solutions for anyone who is suffering with this. How does an ingrown toenail happen? There…... more
A corn is a protective thickening of skin with a defined hard centre commonly known as a core. A corn can be surrounded by thicker or inflamed skin and commonly form over a bony prominence in the foot or toes due to increased friction or pressure. Firm, dry corns which are commonly seen over the…... more